Hi there!

We are Zoë and Aztekoyotl

Thanks for your curiosity to get to know us more. 

We met at a Sundance and right away the two of us knew we had something special.

For weeks, we visited one another in dream time

both assuming it was merely post ceremony romantic ideation. 

But, after a four-hour conversation under the stars, we decided that we were soul mates and knew it would work out. A week later Koyotl hopped on a plane. Four months later Zoë met him in Mexico City 

...and the rest is history.

We live in Teotihuacan with our 1-year-old daughter and extended family, in the high deserts of central Mexico where we try to live in a good way. Our days consist of community building, exploring beautiful places and eating tacos.

We are your Southern Relatives, P'urhépecha,
Hñähñu, Wayuu and Azteka. The government likes to call us Mestizos. 

We are a ceremonial family, which means that we
regularly choose to live a life of prayer and ask for support from the Spirit World. Making regular pilgrimages to sacred sites, ceremonies, and mountain

We believe in the necessity of prayer. It is time to change the collective narrative and start normalizing Spirit again on a daily basis.

But most of all...

We try not to take ourselves TOO seriously